Class 2500 3-pc reduced port / full port CS ball valves
Product code: HTR-3AT-6 / HTF-3AT-6
Unit(s): piece
Category: Three-piece
Size range: ¾"~3" (Reduced port), ¼"~2" (Full port)
Rating: 6000 psi WOG (Class 2500)
Construction: Three-piece body, with
floating ball design
Flow bore: Reduced port / Full port
- NPT connection according to ANSI B1.20.1
- Blowout-proof stem
- API 607 5th Edition fire-safe test approved
- Valves comply with NACE MR0175
- Mounting pad to actuator complied with ISO 5211
- Anti-static design
Product brochure (click below to download)
Class 2500 3-pc reduced port / full port forged carbon steel ball valves